I write

“There is something so eternally optimistic about a pen to paper, about words being scratched onto a lined canvas, just waiting there patiently to be put into author’s design”. – Ojaswin Kathuria

pen and paper2

I write, is all that I can say about myself. I am that girl who sits alone and observes everyone I don’t have much to say to anyone, But assure you I am so much more than my perpetually lacking social skills .

“She doesn’t speak too much but she leads the most intelligent conversations. She is a thinker. She has her coffee and books and music. She has her style. There’s something so deep in her eyes. That’s why everybody stares at her. She has a powerful soul. She has a power and she is not afraid to be different. She is the art.” – Anonymous

This pretty much sums up what I want to say, although I like tea not coffee! I have very eclectic tastes, from classical music to pop or hip hop, from erotic litrature to psychological thrillers. I’ll write about everything I love mostly in the form of creative writing which will also be touching issues like mental illnesses, eating disorders, gay rights, bisexuality and many more. You will also see some black and white photographes here and there because sometimes I go for long walks with my camera.

I am not very reliable when it comes to posting. I might post twice a day and then nothing for two weeks. Its all about when creativity hits me or when I find something interesting to write about. But I’ll try to be as regular as possible.

I hope you all will like what i write. I’d be honoured to recieve your comments, views and suggestions. So please free to do that.

18 thoughts on “I write

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  1. Awesome…i read..😉
    So that would go out really well i guess….fist bump..!!👊
    Would love to read ur blog Keep going….😋


  2. Your writing is beautiful. Just like you. I absolutely love your quote about writing. The way you worded it is so perfect and so beautiful and I wish that I could write and say things as eloquently as you do. You are truly amazing and I love you dearly ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thankyou so so much for saying that. You made me so happy. I love you so much. And you are an amazing writer!!! My favorite. So I am absolutely honoured to know that you liked my work. Thankyou. I love you soo much 💖💖


  3. Your writing is amazing….there’s something so striking about it that touches me and makes me connect with you more and more with every single word you write…..you just inspire me a lot continue doing that to me and many many more…..its a refreshing feeling and if you can make people feel that you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever know I’m honoured for having known you….you are very very dear to me…looking forward to a lot more from you


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