Truly and deeply

“Be my Jerry
I’ll be your Tom
We’ll be merry
And build a home”

-the boy who makes her happy

It was now that she realised something she had already known, that she didn’t need a perfect relationship and she didn’t need the romantic love. All she needed was someone who loved her weirdness and wanted to spend time with her and respected her.

She could talk her mind out with him and he understood her, it was almost magical. All they did was laugh and talk and talk and laugh. She had never even met him in person, but still she could feel a connection, a certain way that he made her feel and that feeling was all she needed. He was like a drug and she was already an addict.

Somewhere between his silly one liners and all the sweet little moments between each text she started missing him when he was not around. The thing is that you get addicted to someone when you least expect it, and this is what happened to her. She was high on him and when he was not around she craved him. Every atom of her missed him. It just wasn’t this, when she told him about the demons in her head, he promised her that he’ll shush them away. and he kept that promise so far.

But this was  something that she was now going to tell him, she just hoped and prayed that he reads this and does’t find her needy or cheezy and misses her the way she misses him. Truly and deeply.

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