Call me, will you?

She picked up her phone, contemplating for the 100th time if she should text him. Because that is really the only means of any sort communication between them. Calling him was just off limits because really, what were they?  besides, he didn’t even reply to her previous texts and something made her think that this one will also not receive any reply. But she just needed to tell him this. She took a deep breath and started typing-


I know that what we have isn’t destined to turn into anything more than just friendship, but I still keep hoping with all my heart that it will.

And I know surely that you don’t feel the same way, but I just wanted to let you know that I still fall in love every time your eyes crinkle up when you smile, I still have your goofy photographs on my phone, one text from you still makes my day. I can still taste your lips on mine, feel your hands grabbing my hips. I still remember your scent; I still remember every word that you said when we met.I still think that the few hours we spent together were the best hours of my life. I am still waiting for your birthday so that I get an excuse to call you and wish you and hear your voice.

I tried staying away from you, I tried so fucking hard to not to text you. I starting seeing other guys just to get over what I felt for you. But none of it worked. I can’t will my love for you to go away just like I can’t will your love for me into existence.

I think about you not only when I am sad and alone at night but also when I am happy with my friends, and I am sorry for that, but I just can’t help it. And goddamn it, I know it will hurt me to hear your voice again. But some of the best things in life cause the most pain, don’t they?

So just call me, will you?


She took a deep breath again and sent the message, kept her phone aside and waited for the call she knew she wouldn’t receive.


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