If you lived here, you’d be home now

It doesn’t get easy you just get used to it. You become stronger and you start fighting it. You get up at three in the night and wipe your own tears. You calm yourself down and try and catch your breath in middle of a mall when everyone is staring. You start taking your own time to open up to people and ignore what everyone is saying.


You breathe a little more freely smile a little more widely and laugh a little more loudly. You start taking time with yourself. You start loving your highs and loving yourself during your lows. And even when the lows get severe you remind yourself to breathe. You start being you unapologetically.

She could suddenly breathe a little more freely. She started sleeping with the lights off, not afraid of the dark. She started mixing up with people and forgetting that voice in her head. She stopped worrying if that guy likes her, she stopped worrying what will happen in a year she stopped worrying what will happen she got another panic attack, she stopped worrying that people will call her crazy, she stopped worrying altogether.

She moved with a bounce in a step and she enjoyed the not so often sun on her face. She started petting random dogs and smiling at strangers. She even started to enjoy the never stopping rains.

She enjoyed kissing that shy guy. She almost loved how he held her hand. She started singing along to her favourite songs again. She started going out with friends instead of turning them down every time. She started drinking for fun and not to hush that voice in her head. She started dancing on bar tables in her favourite heels. She started being herself unapologetically.


Maybe it had really gotten easier or maybe she was strong like everyone told her or maybe being like this was home for her now.



This post is dedicated to everyone who is fighting a mental illness or has fought one. I promise one day comes when it really gets easier. Stay strong<3.

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