Wishing on Dandelions

You once threw some glitter up in the air and told me to stand under it because I told you I like glitter. You said I shine just like it, only that I don't smile enough to show it. I wanted to take you to my favourite tiny cafe for tea, but you told me... Continue Reading →

Neon Caution Sign

  "You have beautiful eyes." He tells her. He doesn't know that all they've seen is destruction. "Why did you move to a new city so far away from yours?" She doesn't tell him that she was running away from her own. "Why are you sitting alone in a bar?" She doesn't like people. Their... Continue Reading →

Beautiful nowhere

It was the time between the dawn and the sunrise on a cold winter morning. She suddenly felt grown up with him in his car. Driving all night aimlessly in comfortable silence. They both were fluent in each other’s silence, a caress on his cheek and his hand between her thighs, soft kisses here and... Continue Reading →

All things SWEET and TIPSY pt.3

“Do you remember the time we first met?” “Of course I do! How can I not? I still feel the same way every time this cute little human walks towards me”, he said while trying to hug her   “Nooo! Tell me exactly how you remember it. “She replied “Ah! Okay. See it wasn’t like... Continue Reading →


There is something so comforting yet so terrifying, something so devastatingly beautiful in wanting the things we can’t have, some different kind of passion altogether.   She was there again. Just like the last time when she gave a piece of herself away. When she made a part of herself stone cold when she promised... Continue Reading →

All things SWEET and TIPSY pt.2

Her eyes opened to a sunny sky and a messy-haired head with sleepy eyes looking right at her. “Were you watching me sleep?” she was awed. “Ha-ha! No, you snore so loud I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’ll make this romantic by watching you wake up,” he answered. “You’re so mean and I don’t... Continue Reading →

I have a Theory

I have a theory; I have a theory about why some people feel so much. Why some people feel so much pain that it keeps them up all night, so much anger that it makes them go blind, so much sadness that it freezes them deep down to the bone and yet they are still... Continue Reading →

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